IWBTG, or I wanna be the guy is a game in which you'll play "the kid" on his journey to becoming "the guy". It's a platformer game in which your role will be to move from screen to screen, eventually fighting bosses on your way to becoming "the guy".
This is actually one of the hardest game that was ever made, you luckily have check-points and infinite lives, yet, it's really hard, you will be attacked by apples, spike walls ... you might even die in tetris or killed by link ! This game is only for people who like extreme challenges and have good nerves, there are many differents traps and you will find yourself dieing a way more than you though it's possible to when trying to finish a game.
To help you on your journey you are able to double jump and have a small gun that will be used to fire at occasional enemiesand to kill bosses.
IWBTG is a game for people who don't fear dieing multiple time just to move from a small screen to another one.
If you wanna try the game, you can download it here.
Here is a video of the game being played: