Tuesday, January 4, 2011

wow: Nobody, continued

Hello everyone, i've been away during the holydays, was sick, then with family. Yet i managed to get my rogue to level 85 and his stuff is quite decent; i started playing in 2v2 arena with a friend who did a character transfer to my realm. I'm playing as an assassination rogue (quite a lot of damage but when it comes to mobility it's really not that great) and he's playing a frost mage (good damage, insane crowd control). I'll speak for a while about me and my friend playing arenas until we are bored of it, we might try some rated battlegrounds too.
Wish us luck for this arena season :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Flash Game: Dungeon Developer

Dungeon Developer (http://www.kongregate.com/games/nerdook/dungeon-developer?acomplete=dungeon) is a flash game where your goal is to lead adventurers higher and higher in your dungeon. there are 15 floor which you can map almost entirely by yourself, except monsters, traps and power-ups that are already set when you get the floor.
It's really fun to have those adventurers try to explore your dungeon until the final boss.
There are medals depending on how fast you can have the adventurers to finish it.
I've done it, on my first try, on 24 days which gave me the platinum medal :p

Friday, December 10, 2010

WoW: Nobody, part 2

<===English Version===>
So, my rogue finally made it out of the outlands, he's in northrend right now, taking a well earned break, while i'm doing a few other things right now, but nobody knows that, before the next week he will be back to the eastern kingdom, exploring Vash'jir the underwater zone.

<===French Version===>
Mon voleur est enfin sortit d'outreterre, il est maintenant en norfendre prenant une pause bien méritée pendant que je fais quelques autres trucs. mais nobody sais que, avant la semaine prochaine il sera de retour dans les royaumes de l'est pour explorer vash'jir la citée sous-marine.

Monday, December 6, 2010

WoW: Cataclysm

The new expansion of world of warcraft came out today, in a week the arena season will start and my rogue is still level 56... damn me for being lazy, i'd really better start leveling now so i can be 85, in 2 week if i try hard enough.
I'm aiming for the gladiator title for this arena season (gladiator title is given to the top 0.5% teams of a server), i'll be playing with 2 people i know. a mage and a paladin (or maybe a priest, depending which char he will feel like playing). wish me good luck

(french version should come out around tomorrow)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WoW: Jahnrae and Taraussa

<==English Version==>
Two days ago, i started playing with my friend as the Refer a friend program which was down for about 24h+ was finally up. So, he got his game updated and we started playing.
He created a character which he called Jahnrae, it's an undead rogue and i created a tauren paladin, called Taraussa (quite a shitty name, i know).
I did task for my natal land, mulgore for a while, then i received a message from him, asking some backup in the silverpine forest, he had some trouble dealing with a group of murloc he was asked to kill by some forsaken general.
I came and met him, and together we managed to get rid of them, now the silverpine forest is safe, we were asked to go to hillsbrand foothills and we are going to go there as soon as possible.

<==French Version==>

Il y a 2 jours, j'ai commencé a jouer avec mon ami car le programme de parainnage qui ne fonctionnait pas pendant à peut pres 24h a finallement fonctionné. Alors, il a mis a jour son jeu et nous avons commencer a jouer. Il a creer un personnage qu'il a nommé Jahnrae, il s'agit d'un voleur mort-vivant et moi j'ai créé un tauren
paladin répondant au nom de Taraussa (c'est vraiment un nom de merde, je sais ...).
J'ai travailler pour ma terre natale, Mulgore pendant un certain temps. Puis j'ai reçu un message venant de Jahnrae me demandant de le rejoindre a la forêt des pins argentés, car il avait une certaine difficultée a s'occuper d'un groupe de murloc qu'un general réprouvé lui a demandé d'éxterminer.
Je suis venu le retrouver, et ensemble nous les avons vaincus, maintenant que la forêt des pins argentée est sauvée on nous a demander de nous rendre aux contreforts de hautebrande et nous y allons aussi vite que possible.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Flash Game: Achievement Unlocked 2

<==English Version==>
Achievement Unlocked 2 (http://www.kongregate.com/games/ArmorGames/achievement-unlocked-2) is a flash game where you will try to find out how to complete every single achievement. You are a blue elephant and you will try to do the unthinkable, be it dieing many times or suiciding on every spike of a level... you will even be asked to, for some achievement, win a gamble game inside the game !
It's sadly quite short (took me about ~30 mins to beat it).

<==Frnech Version==>
Achievement Unlocked 2 (http://www.kongregate.com/games/ArmorGames/achievement-unlocked-2) est un jeu flash dont le but est de trouver comment faire chaque haut-fait. Vous allez incarner un elephant bleu  et faire l'inimaginable, serait-ce mourire de multiple fois, vous suicider sur chaque piques d'un niveau ... vous allez meme devoir jouer a un jeu de hasard jusqu'a ce que vous gagnez !
malheureusement le jeu est plutot cours (il m'a fallu a peu prés 30 minutes pour le finir).

Friday, November 19, 2010

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

<==English Version==>

Amnesia is a first person horror game, it focuses on the story and immersion in the game. The atmosphere is indeed quite scary, and you'll find youself at least a little scared quite often when you play it.It's worth to mention that he sounds are really well done and play a great role in the atmosphere in the game, be it your character's breathing or sudden sounds.One of the feature that's worth to mention is that you won't run around levels shooting at any monster that might try to stop you, but you will actually run from these monsters, defenseless, trying to hide and hope they don't find you.
For the storyline, it's quite simple: your name is Daniel and you are amnesiac. You are lost in a mysterious castle. Your only weapon is ... a lantern that you can use, if you have enough oil, to fight off the darkness, nothing else.
But your loneliness will soon come at an end when you will see, for the first time, someone, or something, through the fog ...You will soon find yourself searching for somewhere you could hide if he came everytime you enter a room.
And it's not all, because while you will have to care for this you will, as you get deeper and deeper in the castle, have to solve puzzles of increasing difficulty.

<==French Version==>

Amnesia est un jeu d'horreur a la première personne, ce jeu ce concentre sur l'histoire et l'ambiance. L’atmosphère est plutôt terrifiante, et vous serez souvent mort de peur pendant que vous y jouerez, car pour commencer vous ne vous baladerez pas avec 50 armes en mains dans ce jeu, si un monstre apparaît, la seule chose a faire est de fuir a toute vitesse et se cacher en esperant qu'il ne vous trouve pas. D'ailleurs il est intéressant de noter que l'ambiance sonore est plus qu'excellente et contribue grandement a l'ambiance du jeu.
Le début de l'histoire est plutôt simple: votre nom est Daniel et vous êtes amnésique et perdu dans un château plutôt mystérieux, l'objet que vous avez qui s'approche le plus d'une arme est une lanterne, que vous pourrez utiliser pour combattre les ténèbres ... a condition qu'il vous reste de l'huile.
Bien que vous soyez seuls au début du jeu, ne vous inquiétez pas, cette solitude va vite disparaitre des que vous allez croiser, pour la premiere fois, quelque chose ou quelqu'un, a peine visible a travers le brouillard... Peu de temps aprés vous serez en train de chercher un endroit ou vous cacher des que vous entrerez dans une piece, au cas ou "il" viendrait.
En plus de cela vous allez devoir, au fur et a mesure que vous vous enfoncez dans le château, faire face a des puzzles de difficulté croissante.
